Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cleaning Clogged Canon Print Heads

Canon printers have a removable printer head that holds the ink cartridges. It is important to print a few pages in both black and color at least once per week in order to keep the ink flowing and prevent clogging.

If the printer head nozzles are blocked or dried out you will need to dissolve the dried ink. An inkjet nozzle has a diameter of about 45 microns which is about 1/2 the width of a human hair. Normally you can clear up minor clogs and streaking by running the cleaning cycle found in your printer's software utility.

However if the cleaning cycle doesn't do the trick in clearing up poor and incomplete output, don't give up and assume you'll need to buy a new printer head (which can cost more than a new printer). Canon owners have reported multiple ways to resolve this problem at little or not cost - some of the most popular methods are described below.

Steps for Manually Cleaning the Printer Head

Step 1 - Remove the ink tanks and printer head. Remove the ink tanks from the printer head (tank holder) and seal them in a zip lock or other sealable plastic bag. Set them aside, preferably propped upright.

Next remove the printer head (it snaps out). NOTE: You may want to wear latex gloves to help keep ink off your hands.

Step 2 - Soak the printer head. There are multiple suggestions on ways to clean the printer head and all have some variation on the following:

  • Get a small, shallow pan and lay down a layer or two of paper towels in the bottom of the container to protect the printer head circuitry from contact damage.
  • Heat up (via microwave) enough purified/bottled water to cover the paper towels. You can also use a 50/50 mixture of ammonia and distilled water (about a pint will do). Heat the mixture in the microwave for about a minute or so - it should NOT be boiling.
  • Slowly pour the water or mixture over the paper towels so that you have approximately 1/2 inch of liquid in the bottom of the pan.
  • Set the printer head into the container on top of the towels. You should see ink 'bleeding' out. Move the print head to several different spots (about a minute each spot) and shake gently. This will dissolve the ink clogs.
  • If the printer head is badly clogged let it soak for 3 to 4 hours or overnight. You can move it slightly to a different spot every hour or so.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Obat Batuk dari Pisang Ambon

Kalau Saudara batuk, coba praktekan resep sederhana yang murah meriah, insaAlloh manjur.

Cari sebuah pisang ambon yang matang, lalu bakar sampai lunakkemudian ditekan-tekan.

Saat membakar bisa diletakkan di atas loyang, baru dipanaskan di atas api. Makanlah setiap hari 2-3 kali sebanyaksetengah buah pisang.

Mudah-mudahan batuk Saudara sembuh.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mengatasi Demam Dengan Melati

Melati, bunga dan daunnya berkhasiat menurunkan demam. Ambil satu genggam daun melati dan bunganya sepuluh biji. Keduanya dicuci bersih, Kemudian direndam dalam air hangat..

Air rendaman inilah yang digunakan untuk mengompres

Friday, October 22, 2010


You can make a gas cannon at home.

You will need :
a) a small glass bottle with a tight-fitting cork
b) backing soda
c) vinegar
d) a piece of paper

(1) Put some backing soda into the bottle.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Tips Crazy is a collection of exciting science experiments and puzzles.
These experiments are not just fun, they are also simple to do.
No bulky apparatus is required, just use the things which you can find in your own home.

Both young and old will also enjoy teasing their minds with the science puzzles.